') document.write('') document.write('
1. So Wonderful So Marvelous
2. A Womans Haven
3. The Domestic Princess
4. A HOPEful Blogger
5. the domestic wannabe
6. Negative Nelly Flips
7. *explanation required
8. Puma Life
9. The Luckiest in Love
10. No Opportunity Wasted!
11. A Whole LOT of Everything
12. Daisy Petals
13. Peaches & Cherries
14. Simply Bug
15. tale of many cities
16. Team Freeman
17. Katherine @ Grass Stains
18. Millertime Uncensored
19. Ashlies Other Blog
20. The Bear Naked Truth
21. youmakemylifesobeautiful
22. Alex & Jess
23. a tale of three poags!
24. Travelin Tracy
25. Three Petunias
26. Colored White
27. Dreaming Place
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