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My name is Brent Riggs. I'm the owner/creator of Linky Tools. I want to personally welcome you and let you know that I genuinely appreciate each and every person who uses Linky Tools.  You are welcome to contact me any time with questions, feedback, suggestions or concerns. I always respond personally.

Linky Tools is the most popular linky tool for a reason. Great features and even better personal service. You're home for linky tools is right here.

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Love for Linky Tools:     Read more here!
  • Never had so much traffic...: I absolutely love Linky Tools. I have met many new bloggie friends and have never had so much traffic. Thank you so much....
  • Finding New Blogs is GREAT!: The Blog Hops have been wonderful. While I have noticed increased traffic during blog hops and enjoy getting the new visitors, I think the wonderful thing is for ME to go out there and find new blogs that I enjoy! Thanks for doing this, Brent! You...
  • Lots Of Visitors: What a wonderful idea Linky Tools is. I love and hope have lots of visitors to my site because of this great site....
  • Highest Page View: I just have to say thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!! My page views are already my highest in the past 2 weeks!...
  • Cannot believe the traffic: I cannot believe the amount of people that have visited my site because of Linky Tools. I love it, and have met some really cool people, as well as found some fantastic blogs because of it. Thank you!...
  • A great way to get more...: I think the Blog Hop is a great way for bloggers to get more traffic and to find more blogs to read. It's been fun looking at everyone's pictures this week....
  • Quick Responses: Thank you so much for always responding so quickly and so effectively.... I appreciate what you do to make blogging better......
  • Helped increase my traffic...: I LOVE Linky Tools! It is easy to use and has helped increase my blog traffic! Not to mention, I now have new followers who would have never found me nor I them!...
  • More comments than ever...: I love the Blog Hop! I have received so many more comments on my blog than I ever have in the past....
  • You Rock!: Brent, thanks so much. You and your Linky Tools rock my world :)...
  • Traffic went up dramatically!: The blog hop is a really great feature that you developed. The hits to my blog increased dramatically after I added my address to the list. ...
  • All Thing Linky Are Easier!: I want you to know that you are doing a fabulous job. I appreciate your hard work and your knowledge on all things linky. You've made it so much easier to have link up parties and such. ...
  • Love this blog hopping..: I love this blog hopping thing here are just a few reason's: 1.I had trouble finding blogs to read and now I have over 800 YeAh! 2.The sponsors are incredible and generous people (((HUGS)))! 3.I have not had many visitors and comments,but now I am...
  • Increased trafffic..: The Blog Hop is so much fun. I've made new friends, increased traffic to my blog and even picked up new followers. Thanks so much Brent!...
  • I appreciate the new traffic...: I love the new Linky Tools lists and the BlogHop is so much fun. I love meeting new-to-me bloggers and I really appreciate the traffic it has sent to my blog!...