The Smuggler's Bride

Book four of Masterful Husbands my Georgian series will be out on the 21st of December!
Once again we meet old friends and new! The naughty ladies of the spanked wives society manage to get themselves embroiled in yet another tangled mess.
Primrose Latimer has a fiancé to be proud of, a gentleman destined to become Lord Trewithe of Pencullen House in Cornwall but a case of mistaken identity scuppers her chances of ever becoming his Lady wife. Her hopes and aspirations dashed, she is determined that the man who has ruined her, a Cornish smuggler, shall pay dearly for her losses.
However, fate and Jago Poldrunne have other plans for Primrose, as swirling sea mists and smugglers abound!
If fast paced, romantic, humorous romps, featuring strong, handsome commanding gentlemen are not your thing – then please do not buy this seductive, 18th century romance!
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Published on December 15, 2017 06:47
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message 1: by Breanna (new)

Breanna Hayse This sounds like a fun Christmas read! Great snippet.

message 2: by Angie (new)

Angie Sargenti I'll have to put this on my TBR list!

message 3: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn Blake I love Georgian England. December 21st, eh? Make sure you post again next week so we'll remember to get it. Thanks for joining, Vanessa.

message 4: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Brooks Breanna wrote: "This sounds like a fun Christmas read! Great snippet."
Thank you!

message 5: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Brooks Angie wrote: "I'll have to put this on my TBR list!"
It is a very fun and sexy look at Georgian England!

message 6: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Brooks Kathryn wrote: "I love Georgian England. December 21st, eh? Make sure you post again next week so we'll remember to get it. Thanks for joining, Vanessa."
Thank you for making me welcome. It is good to be part of the group. This is a very sexy and humourous read!

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The Laird's Bride

Vanessa    Brooks
Sassanachs stole his bride after defeat at Culloden, now he wants her back!
After Isobel’s sudden disappearance, Claudia and her friends, all wives belonging to loving, yet masterful husbands, become
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