Wednesday Hodgepodge – Coming to you from… my kitchen

Yeah, I am home with a kid who, yesterday, had a 102.7 degree fever! He’s a lot better today – hovering around 100 and not looking like the dead – but I still have to keep him home.

1. What’s something you’d rate a 10/10? Tell us why.

You know, this shouldn’t be difficult but I am indeed having a hard time coming up with something that would legit make me say “10/10, would recommend”. Wait, ok, I got it.  I think I blogged about it before but our parks and rec recently revamped one of the local playgrounds and the new one is A-OK. It has these cool stained glass type features that cast colors on the ground, a lot of neat climbing structures, a soft astro-turf like surface and a merry-go-round! They took  those away in most places because America has gone soft and worries WAY too much about kids. I was so happy to see one and that parents were allowing their kids to ride it. So, new Tom Brown playground gets a 10/10.

2. What job would you be terrible at? What makes you think so?

I don’t know if I’d ever be good at waiting tables. My husband always says he would because he can gauge when people need things or need to be left alone. I’d get pretty annoyed with picky and/or rude people; I’d probably quit mid-shift.

3. When did you last take a fall? What’s something you’re falling for (in a good way) these days?

I can’t think of a recent time I took a fall, thankfully. And in terms of falling for something, I blogged yesterday about Ben Shapiro and I’ll let you look that up. 😉 I just sort of love him; he’s an adorable nerd.

4. According to the Travel Channel here are some of America’s best fall festivals-

National Apple Harvest Festival (near Arendtsville PA, close to Gettysburg), Harvest on the Harbor (Portland Maine), German Village Festival (Columbus Ohio), Wellfleet Oyster Fest (Cape Cod), and Wine and Chile Fiesta (Santa Fe NM)

Have you ever been to any of the festivals listed? Which one appeals to you most? Does your hometown have any sort of fall celebration, and if so will you make it a point to attend?

I have not been to these but the apple harvest one sounds awesome. Here in Tally we don’t have any true fall festivals but the ones I associate with it are our school’s Croctoberfest (they are the crocodiles) and the N. Florida Fair. I love a good carnival and this one comes every November, which is when it finally gets cool here. So yeah, those are very fall-like to me.

5. What is your goodbye message to summer?

Dearest summer,

You came in in a hurry, bringing more fireflies than I can ever remember, and you were gone in a flash, ending on a hurricane.  Thanks for the memories.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I don’t want to feel this way but I do: it annoys me that everything pumpkin flavor is mainstream now. I blame the internet for ruining everything. Not that it is really RUINED; it’s just that now, it’s more of a joke to like pumpkin flavored things. And I say this as I sit here eating pumpkin spice flavored caramel corn and man is it delicious!

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge – Coming to you from… my kitchen

  1. I enjoy pumpkin spice creamer, I would not good at waiting tables either, and know how hard the servers work! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Well, I did enjoy your hodgepodge. I’m not too fond of most flavorings. I’m glad you have a nice playground. I’m fine with summer being over. Hope you have a good rest of the week!

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