Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Falling for the Hodgepodge!

Oh what fun it is to ride ... 
along with the gang at Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Thanks for the fun prompts, Joyce!

What's something you'd rate a 10/10?  Why?

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cheesecake

Have you ever been to the Cheesecake Factory?  I'm not a big sweets lover, but their creations are what I imagine Mr. God serves at his dinner table!

What job would you be terrible at?  What makes you think so?

So many things!  
I once thought being an OTR truck driver would be cool.  Unfortunately, I don't like to won't use my mirrors and can't even park my Camry in reverse.
Have you ever watched those guys maneuvering their trailers?  Amazing!

Something else.  It's not very nice, but I might not resist getting up close and riding the bumpers of bullies in their big pick-m-up trucks who get a kick out of tailgating  smaller cars in front of them. 
See how it feels?

When did you last take a fall?  What's something you're falling for (in a good way) these days?

A couple of years ago the tip of my shoe caught on a curb and I went down most unceremoniously right outside my office.  (I wrote about it then, "Bones Don't Bounce.")

These days?  I can't wait to fall in love with a small town where folks smile at strangers ... who mean it when they say, "How are you?"

According to the Travel Channel, here are some of America's best fall festivals.  Have you ever been to any of them?  Which one appeals to you most?

National Apple Harvest Festival (near Arendtsville, PA, close to Gettysburg), Harvest on the Harbor (Portland, ME), German Village Festival (Columbus, OH), Wellfleet Oyster Fest (Cape Cod), and Wine and Chile Fiesta (Santa Fe, NM).

Having grown up just north of Santa Fe - loving all things spicy - the Fiesta jumped out.

Except! My 'druthers' point towards Columbus, Ohio in honor of my German heritage.

What is your 'good-bye" message to summer?

The noble part of me might quote Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.   
But my inner child expresses it best .....

Insert your own random thought here --

I'm not a fan of SNL, but this cracked me up!
(Because ... when we first adopted 'Alexa', Tom could never get her name right and kept calling her Alexis or Alice.  LOL)

Have a blessed day!
Hugs from Phoenix,


  1. I think I like Alice better than Alexa.. can we rename her? guess what, in 1984 I drove an 18 wheeler with my husband at that time. never did learn to back it up, but I did fair drving it forward. that only works if you have a second driver. your 10 looks delish and your good bye to summer would be mine to. sick to death of heat heat heat and hurricanes

  2. Being an over the road driver would be cool to see all the country. But, unfortunately, in my travels I find they have become the worst drivers in America. They think they own the road. And because they are so damn big they do. It used to be a semi-driver was the best!! But like everything else in America this too has changed. I hope you will find your perfect little southern town!

  3. Your responses to these things never fail to delight me. I especially liked that good-bye message to summer....except that I'll be doing the same thing when the first winter ice storm arrives.

    I'm glad you mentioned that it's Wednesday. For some strange reason I kept thinking it was Friday today (no, I'm not kidding!).

  4. I would not nor could be a truck driver, either! enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge thoughts. Never been to cheesecake factory, I have heard good reports about it Thanks for sharing.

  5. The video is hysterical for sure. love your goodbye to summer too.

  6. Son had a friend whose dad was an OTR driver. When the dad and mom were first married, they traveled together around the country and saw a lot of it through his jobs. After the kids came along, she stayed home but as the kids got older, they went out with the dad during summer or spring breaks and they too got to see a lot of the country too. That was the upside. The downside was he was gone for weeks at a time.

    Loved your "shooing" out summer picture. Next year, Lord willing, you'll be enjoying it in a different climate :)


  7. Unlike you I'm sad to see summer go, we've had a lot of beautiful days. The heat you all experience though might make me thumb my nose at it too. We just had our annual Apple Festival here celebrating all things apple. I think I love the apple cider best. Cool and refreshing too! I have German ancestry too and will celebrate Octoberfest, though not in Columbus, but here in my part of Ohio. I do love your Hodgepodge..Happy last day of Summer!

  8. That clip from SNL is hilarious! We have an Echo and a Dot and would probably order a Silver if it was real! LOL

  9. LADY! you have no idea how I enjoyed this blog, especially the SNL skit. I have never watched SNL, but I needed that. I just came from a visit to a close kin person who is older than I, and in need of help. It was depressing, BUT I feel better.

    Love ya!

  10. As always I enjoy your answers. i LOVE the desserts at The Cheesecake Factory!"

  11. I wouldn't like to drive a big rig, but I think it would be a blast to operate one of those big construction or earth-moving machines.

    The festival in your list that most floats my boat is the Oyster Festival. YUM! It's getting to be that time of year... :)

  12. Cheesecake is my favorite, I must get some soon! That's what happened to me in the show, the tip of my sandal caught on the rubber trim of the step in the show. Love the video!!


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