Falling Into Another Hodgepodge…


It’s been over a week since “Irma” blew through, and we’re still not finished cleaning up her mess!  I think one more day should finish that up.  There is no easy way to clean up leaves, limbs, and debris, especially from three different places!  We’re keeping a watchful eye on “Marie”, and praying hard for the folks who are getting hit again.

On a more pleasant note, it’s time for The Wednesday Hodgepodge!  Many thanks to our hostess, Joyce, for providing the questions and a place to link up.  If you’d like to join in, click on the button at the top of this post.

1. What’s something you’d rate a 10/10?  Tell us why.

It doesn’t get any better than stretching out on my bed at the end of a long, tiring day, soaking in a tub filled with hot water, or stretching out in a lawn chair under my favorite oak tree on St. Simon’s Island! All of these things rate a 10/10 in my book.  The reason should be obvious–all are a great way to relax!

Speaking of St. Simon’s Island, it suffered damage from hurricane Irma. Among other things, the beautiful brick walkway that runs beside the ocean has been destroyed–a victim of the storm surge.

2. What job would you be terrible at?  I think I’d make a terrible nurse.

What makes you think so?  Watching anyone have medical procedures makes me squirm– iv’s, injections, stitches, staples all give me the creeps.  I squirm just listening to Ed and Jennifer (our daughter-in-law) talk about certain medical procedures!  I feel ‘sympathetic pain’ for the patient, even if I’m just watching the procedure on television!

3. When did you last take a fall?  Actually, I stubbed my toe on the door facing of my bedroom, on Monday afternoon.  This threw me off-balance and I began falling toward a glass doll case in my bedroom.  Fortunately, I was able to shift my weight over, so I landed on the side of the bed instead of falling into the display case!  My little toe is black & blue and very sore, but it could have been much worse if I’d hit that glass display case!  I still have bruises from the fall into the bathtub, two weeks ago, and I’m beginning to think I need a padded bodysuit!

What’s something your falling for (in a good way) these days?  We haven’t had many of them, yet, but I’m ‘falling for’ the cooler, crisp mornings of September.

4. According to the Travel Channel here are some of America’s best fall festivals-

National Apple Harvest Festival (near Arendtsville PA, close to Gettysburg), Harvest on the Harbor (Portland Maine), German Village Festival (Columbus Ohio), Wellfleet Oyster Fest (Cape Cod), and Wine and Chile Fiesta (Santa Fe NM)

Have you ever been to any of the festivals listed?  No.

Which one appeals to you most?  I like the sound of Harvest on the Harbor.

Does your hometown have any sort of fall celebration, and if so will you make it a point to attend?

Our hometown doesn’t have any kind of fall celebrations.  However, neighboring towns will have a “Wiregrass Festival”, a “Pumpkin Patch” and a county fair, but we have no plans to attend.

5. What is your goodbye message to summer?

“Please don’t forget to take the gnats, mosquitoes, and love bugs with you when you leave.”

Random:  An update on “Trouble”, the cat, and the man with the can.

“Trouble”, in her younger years

Many of you know the story of “Trouble”, the sixteen-year-old cat, and how she’s lived at Ed’s parents’ house, alone, even after the house became unoccupied. This saga has been on-going for well over five years!

A couple of months ago, “Trouble” finally migrated down to our son’s house and began staying there, but Ed continued to feed her every day, as usual.  Occasionally, “Trouble” would go back to Ed’s parents’ home for a day or two, but Ed would track her down.

Unfortunately, “Trouble” has developed a bad habit of sleeping underneath parked vehicles.  Now that she’s older, her hearing isn’t good, and this has created a problem–which finally caught up with her.

On Labor Day, our son, not knowing “Trouble” was under the car, was backing up when he accidentally ran over “Trouble”.  She was able to get up and run off, but we couldn’t find her for almost three days.  I thought she was dead.

By the time “Trouble” showed up at our son’s house, hurricane Irma was upon us, and we were in full-blown hurricane preparation mode.  Our son and family were planning to evacuate.  “Trouble” had a broken hind leg.  She wouldn’t eat, but would drink  small amounts of milk. Ed took her to his parents’ house, left her some milk, food, and water, and put her in the freezer room to ride out the storm, comfortably.

After about a week, “Trouble” began eating any food again.  In the meantime, she’d drink small amounts of milk.  (I think she used up another of her nine lives.)  While she isn’t getting around as well as before,  she’s now able to go where she wants to go.  She’s as cantankerous and independent as ever, and is more than ready to be free of that freezer room!  Ed’s been letting her outside for two hours a day, under his supervision, and she keeps trying to sneak off!  Ed plans to let her go, today.  We wonder where she will go.  Back to our son’s  house?  To the woods?  Or maybe just stay at Ed’s parents’ house?  The saga continues…





Published in: on September 20, 2017 at 7:20 am  Comments (11)  
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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Awww poor little Trouble. Sounds like he has more lives than nine!! Have a good week and I hope Maria stays out of town.

  2. Good grief, those hurricanes!! They’re hard for me to imagine. Laughed at your summer answer. And to think that I LOVE summer. Lol. Hope you get some beautiful fall weather, but I don’t know about that Maria and how it might affect y’all. Be safe!

  3. We’re hoping Maria goes out to sea and dies. That might sound harsh but I hate those things. Poor Trouble! Y’all are so sweet to take such care of her. I’m so scared of falling again I think I walk funny. 😛

  4. So sorry for trouble, hope she mends well! I am glad to read that you survived Irma, and praying you don’t have any trouble with Maria.
    Enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge answers, Have a blessed day,

  5. I’m sorry about your island retreat having damage. I read about it in the news and thought of you. Will the walkway be repaired? Is your tree still there?

  6. It’s 91 degrees here today, so definitely still feeling like summer. I’m not complaining : ) I’m sorry for your hurricane mess. We had some here too, but we’re all cleaned up now and everyone’s power has been restored. My heart breaks for the beautiful islands of the Caribbean. Take care.

  7. Ah heck. Poor Trouble. Cats have an amazing way to heal and continue on…those 9 lives, I guess. Glad he has rallied. I’m sad to read about all the damage on your favorite island. Also glad Maria is staying out in the Atlantic and is on track to continue north and east.

  8. Wow! What a story. Trouble is definitely a survivor. These hurricanes and earthquakes are so very scary and all the damage they have left behind.
    I will be glad to see those summer creatures disappear, too. Maybe all of us could use a padded bodysuit as we grow older.

  9. We could all use a little “Trouble” in our lives. I’m glad that trouble is still with you. My uncle had a cat who would crawl under the car and sleep atop the engine. This ended dramatically when he started the car and the car tried to escape through the fan. Sadly, all nine lives were expended.
    I’m glad that you survived Irma’s visit. We’re fortunate living in the northeast where we don’t get a lot of hurricanes. Thank God for cold ocean temperatures. Sometimes we do get significant rainfall and wind gusts from their remnants.
    Re: your recent spill. Perhaps you should make your clothes out of bubble wrap. Just a thought.
    All the best to you and Ed.

  10. Poor Trouble. Sounds like her name fits her well. Hate to hear St Simons had damage. Hope you all don’t get any more.

  11. Your right, getting into bed at the end of the day is a great feeling! It is so sad to see all the damage everywhere from Irma. I couldn’t be a nurse either. Wow, sorry about trouble but what an amazing go getter she is.

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