Friendly Friday Fillins

15723915_10207955831629660_476349247_n1. I have broken no bones. Seriously, what kind of question is that?!? I might live an adventurous life, but I’m not clumsy enough to break myself…. dishes are another story…

2. When I go out to breakfast, I order lizard tail. Of course, I need to catch it, myself, but it’s very tasty… I don’t know why my staff gets so upset about me fending for myself or wrings their hands over the fact that most of the lizards who live here are running around with half-grown or no tail… those tails will grow back.


Mr. M

3. As Summer officially comes to an end, how does one know, except by looking at a calendar? For those of us living in Florida, the end of hurricane season is much more important than the end of summer, which never seems to end.… summer might be over according to the calendar, but hurricane season won’t end for a few more weeks.

4. Before this year is over, I really need to make a plan for 2018.

This post is purrticipating in a blog hop hosted by McGuffy’s Reader & 15andmeowing Yesterday, they asked these 4 fill in the blank questions:

1. I have broken __________________ bones.

2. When I go out to breakfast, I order_________________________.99df57c83891005a0ddaa69294a44b8a

3. As Summer officially comes to an end,_____________________.

4. Before this year is over, I really need to_____________________.

34 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Fillins

  1. Have I broken bones? Yes. 2. When I go out to breakfast I order ? I don’t go out to breakfast hardly at all. 3. As Summer comes to an end, I need to put up my Halloween stuff. 4.Before this year is over, I really need to accept I’m middle age(50). Let me explain #4. My one brother-in-law brought a book home once and the title was Your Not Middle Aged Until To You Are 50. I turn 50 in December so I won’t be able to claim that to much longer.
    Cute answers especially about #3.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We were not hit hard, though we were a bit concerned about the amount of rain. Fortunately, the ‘worst case scenario’ was Cricket’s house ( she is the cockapooh that is infatuated with Mr. M)… water made it a short distance into her garage. >^.^<

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  2. mimi

    Florida, Louisiana — only two seasons, wet and hurricane, and hurricane is just hotter and wetter.

    Purrseidon, i think your family don’t want you to get liver flukes or something by helping yourself to lizards.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Purrseidon, I think it is better to eat cat food your staff buys for you, but maybe those tails are tastier. What to do when summer didn’t come at all. Just now it is raining so hard our roof is like a drum orchestra.
    Have a nice weekend.
    a cat in faraway Finland.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lizard tails are delicious: yummy =^:^=
    I know, the staff is boring about reptiles, especially big ones in Florida 😛
    Waiting for a new book next year…
    Great, summer is over, hurricane season soon: let’s prepare for Christmas!
    Happy Friday 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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