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Friday, September 15, 2017

Friendly Fill Ins 15 September 2017

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowingand McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. I have broken an undisclosed amount of bones.

The first time I broke one of my own bones was just a few years back and it was a freak thing.  I was working at a convenience store.  I sat in a chair, later when I went to get out of the chair, it hurt.

X-rays revealed I had broken my tibia.  Further investigation revealed that it had been broken at least ten days and I had been walking around on it unaware.

As far as other people’s bones… I refuse to answer that on the grounds it may incriminate me.

2. When I go out to breakfast, I order Junior’s Usual or the Sportsmen’s special.

Actually, this is kind of complicated.  When I was a young person, I would go into Dud’s Restaurant.  My father, Bruce, was a regular and, even though I was not named after him, everyone in the restaurant called me Junior.  I would always order three scrambled eggs, grits, toast, bacon, and iced tea.  They started calling it Junior’s Usual.  At the other restaurant in town, the Waffle King Number 3, they called the same thing The Sportsman’s Special.   

An interesting side note, when we lived in Spartanburg, South Carolina, there was a diner called Lil’s (it might have been Lib’s).  My father would go in and order what we called an egg sandwich.  It was two pieces of toast with Duke’s Mayonnaise (in the real South, you just say “Duke’s”, everyone knows it is mayonnaise), scrambled egg, lettuce, and tomato.  It was put on the menu as “Bruce’s Special”.

It we order breakfast out nowadays, which is rare, it is usually a bear claw at the Milam Street Donut Shop.  We might get a bacon egg and cheese biscuit at What-A-Burger or McDonald’s.  Back when Suzanne and I were first married, we loved to go to the Shoney’s Breakfast Bar.  That was good.   We also liked the steak biscuits at Hardee’s.  

3. As Summer officially comes to an end, we won’t notice.

It is always hot here.  The leaves do not change colors and fall off the trees like they did back in civilization.  It rarely gets cold here.  Last year we had a three-day winter, followed by triple digit heat in February.

4. Before this year is over, I really need to catch up on my reading.

I know that sounds odd coming from me with 158 books read so far this year, however, our “To Read” list just keeps on growing.  I like it that way.  We get a good variety of books to read, free.  

Let’s all pray for all of those who were in the path of Irma.  They have really been through a great deal.  Our oldest boy was in South Carolina for the eclipse, in Needville, Texas for Hurricane Harvey, and Cape Canaveral, Florida for Hurricane Irma.  He is in the Navy attached to NASA.  He has seen several rocket launches as well, all in the last 30 days.

Our baby child was recently assaulted on her job.  She was checking IDs and several people decided they did not want to be IDed, so they knocked her up against the wall and broke three of her ribs.  The Corpus Christi, Texas police refused to let her file a report. That same night, her wallet was stolen with her ATM card in it.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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  1. Interesting stories today, David! I agree with you about TBR stacks. Good books should be plentiful. Enjoy! Have a great week.

    1. Suzanne and I love to read. We spend most of our day doing just that. Have a great week.

  2. I am so sorry about your daughter. I don't understand why they wouldn't let her file a police report. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, your breakfast answer made me hungry. I thought I read a lot, but you have me beat. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks, Ellen. We don't understand why they would not let her file a police report. I do read a lot, but many of these are very short books. Some are Ebooks that are super short. I am a fast reader but also, I am retired and can barely walk so Suzanne does most of the chores. I just sit in my chair and read or take two steps to the studio and make videos. We are just now getting back to being able to record. Have a great week.

  3. I wish that baby child would just let us bring her home!

    As far as the books, don't worry. You'll never run out. There are about a zillion more on the way. :)

    I love you, my Zing.

    1. It would be great to have the baby home again. I am not worried about running out of books. We gave more than we could ever read just on the kindle right now. I love you, too, my Zing!

  4. I live in SC and the eclipse was a wonder to behold. Irma...not so much though she spared us her wrath and just blew some trees down. How have you read 158 books so far? I have read about 45 and thought that was a lot. You must be a super speed reader. sorry about your daughter. Weird they wouldn't let her file a police report.

    1. I do read fast. I had to learn to do that to keep up at work. But, I don't work now. Suzanne does most of the chores since I am not supposed to walk. I blog, make videos, and read. Many of the books are short. Some of the books we get to review are kids' books. They go by fast. The ebooks are often very short. It seems that books today have to be short to keep the new generation's attention. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week.

  5. Your typical breakfast order sounds like a normal Southern breakfast. My prayers for your daughter, i hope she appeals to the district attorney's office to file charges.

    1. We don't know what she will do. She is very stubborn. I don't know where she got that, LOL. Breakfast was great back in the day. We have to eat healthier than that now. Funny thing is, when I went to the hospital after my strokes they fed me eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon, all sorts of bad food. Have a great week.

  6. Reading what everyone would order for breakfast is making me hungry :) How awful what happened to your daughter. Terrible that they wouldn't let her file a report. I need to catch up on my reading too.

    1. I think that breakfast question was the first one I went to on everyone's post. I have no idea why they did not take a report. However, all services are stretched to the limit here in Texas right now. Have a great week.

  7. As I was reading this, I figured you must live close to us! Our last winter lasted one weekend. We love eating at Whataburger. I am appalled at the police not doing anything for your daughter. We are fixin' to move to the Houston area. (I know you understand the "fixin' to")

    1. We live southwest of Houston in Wharton, Texas. We are the town the world forgot, according to CNN. We understand "fixin" and 'rat cheer", too. Have a great week.


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