A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes — #MFRWauthor

It’s week 16 of the MFRWauthor Bloghop challenge, and this week’s prompt is: My Biggest Dream in Life.

I’ve always been a dreamer. I freely admit it. In creative circles, dreaming is considered a good thing. In non-creative circles, not so much. If you grow up in a house surrounded by people who tend toward the non-dreamy variety, being called a dreamer takes on a somewhat negative connotation. Broken smallThe implication is always that there’s something inherently “wrong” with you. That you are, in some way, broken.

For a dreamer, just learning to accept themselves as they are, realizing they are not seriously flawed, can sometimes be a huge challenge.

As a bona fide dreamer, I always had dreams to hold onto. As a kid, I remember saying, “Someday, when I’m a world-famous novelist…” and my mother responding in that, “Don’t be silly/What am I going to do with you?” tone: “Oh, Sherry…”

Becoming a world-famous novelist was probably my biggest dream throughout my life, but it certainly wasn’t the only one.

When I was very young, I wanted to be one of the June Taylor Dancers. Not just any dancer, mind you. A June Taylor Dancer. Alas, that dream was not to be.

I’m still fascinated by dancing and watch Dancing With the Stars avidly every year, even though I know I’d have to stretch to reach the level of “Designated Creaky Old Person” if I ever had the chance to join the cast. If I were given the chance to join the DWTS crew, by some miracle I can’t even fathom, my partner of choice would be Derek. Not only do I find his talent amazing, it’s been proven time and again that he can make anyone look good on the dance floor.

Globe smallI also had grandiose dreams of traveling the world when I was younger. I’m not dead yet, so I tell myself this one still has a chance of coming about. I’d begin by visiting the states here in the US I haven’t yet visited, making sure to include a stop at every one of the National Parks, travel north to Canada and complete my exploration there, and then move further afield.

For a very short time, I dreamed about becoming ab interior designer. I envisioned myself creating beautiful spaces in which people could live on an unlimited budget. Then I actually picked up a paint brush, realized that painting a room is nothing in reality like watching in on TV, and abandoned that dream immediately. I’m all about the cerebral, not so much about the physical.

If a dream really is a wish your heart makes, I’ve nursed many dreams over the years, but I suppose the ones I’ve mentioned here are my biggest. The opportunity to be a June Taylor Dancer may have passed me by, but the others are still on the table, and for that I’m very thankful. A life without dreams would be a very sad thing, indeed.

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10 thoughts on “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes — #MFRWauthor

  1. Shari Elder says:

    A June Taylor dancer, now that brings back memories. I agree, we need dreams to keep our world’s rich, and our arms, brains and hearts reaching every forward. Great post.

  2. Meka James says:

    I’ve never watched Dancing with The Stars. I know about it and seen the tail end of a show as I’ve waited for the next show to come on, but that’s about it.

    Traveling would be nice. The hubs and I would love to travel more, but harder to do with kids and a limited budget. I should add the dream of winning the lotto to my blog post. 🙂

  3. Linda McLaughlin says:

    I was the only starry-eyed dreamer in my family, and my parents never supported my dream of being a writer until I was older. They never made me feel broken, though, just a bit odd or eccentric, but that never bothered me. At one point I wanted to be a concert pianist or spy. I wasn’t good enough to be a professional pianist and I’d be a terrible spy! My emotions are too close to the surface, which means my poker face is nonexistent.

    Really enjoyed your post. Hope you become world famous and get to travel some day.

  4. aliciacoleman says:

    I have always loved dancing. I do it a lot…in the privacy of my home. I took a class on Bellydancing once so I understand the dancing dream. Never give up on your dreams.

  5. Ed Hoornaert says:

    Although I share many of my fellow #MFRWauthors’ dreams, I can’t say I ever wanted to be a dancer. I do share the dream of traveling, though with my four children scattered across the globe, none within 1500 miles of each other, mostly I just travel to visit children.

  6. RobinMichaela says:

    I remember the June Taylor dancers! With two left feet, though, that was never my dream, but I can appreciate watching great dancers. I hope you get to travel to all the places you want to, and can get in a little dancing on the side, even if it’s not of the June Taylor variety!

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