Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Look Like Scarlett Johansson. There's Proof!

Five Question Friday.  Let's dive right in, shall we?  (For instructions on how to play along, click on the button above.  Mama M. has a really fun blog, too, so subscribe if you don't already.)

1. Do you have any nicknames and if so how did it come about?
Oh, boy.  My parents used to call me Bessie Cow.  Presumably because my eyes are as big as a cow's.  Rude, I think, but as far as nick-names go in my family, it's mild.  I really don't feel comfortable telling you the other ones.  Oh, but I can tell you (again), that my husband calls me Devil Woman, because he's a huge Adam Sandler fan, (more on that later). Not because I'm actually a horrid wife who he hates, but stays married to for the sake of clean underwear.  I hope.

2. What is your birth order amongst your siblings?
I am the second of four.  And holy shite has that caused some screwed up stuff in my head.  I won't go into it now, because I already told you all about the time I went to a psychiatrist.  I don't want to go there again.  I'm sure if you poke around long enough, you'll find that post.  I have really awesome parents, by the way.  Both of them.  My issues are my own.  I swear I'm not crazy, by the way.  I could totally babysit your kids if you want me to.  I'm making this sound much worse than it is.

3. In a movie of your life, who would play your significant other?

OK, if we're talking about personality, I'd have to say Adam Sandler.  Because he can be completely goofy, make me laugh, and is often really confused.  That's my husband in a nut shell.
But I was wondering who would play Andrew if we were basing the decision completely on looks.  So I went to this website, and depending on the picture I use, Andrew most resembles Rick Schroder and Terrence Howard.  Andrew said that he'd agree with Terrence Howard because he most resembles a black man, but that the website must be able to scan more than just his face to know that.


His quote, not mine.

So, that website is seriously hours of fun, and it's a boost to my self-esteem because it keeps telling me that I look like Scarlet Johansen. It also tells me I look like a variety of men, but we won't count those ones. (I can only imagine the mean comments I could get for this.) The website scans your picture and analyzes your facial features to tell you which celebrity you most resemble.  It does a pretty good job, too.  It will make you sign up, but it's fast and I don't think they send you a bunch of spammy e-mails or anything, because I haven't gotten any.  Go try it, then come tell me who you look like.  

4. What is currently your favorite song?

I think my favorite song will always be Arrivederci Roma.  I love the Dean Martin version.  I pretty much love anything from the Big Band era, especially Duke Ellington. 

(That's a really long video, but if you listen to just a bit of it, you get the point.)

5. Are you saving your money for anything right now? Big or small purchase?

My husband has a disease that we are saving money for treatment of.  He has to have this really expensive dose of medicine once a year.  Actually, he'd be much better off with constant access to it, but we just can't afford it because it costs about a thousand dollars per dose.

He has salmonfishingitis.  He has to go to Washington every September to get his fix of salmon fishing.  So we have to pay for gas to get out there, food and entertainment while we're there, and therapy when we come back from spending so many days in close contact with his family.

Only kidding!  About the therapy part.

Expensive medicine, no?

Anyway, that's it for Five Question Friday with Mama M!  Be sure to read David's Flick Pick today - he's reviewing a movie I really liked this week. Except it might be more fun when he picks a horrid movie that we can all make fun of.  We'll see.


AiringMyLaundry said...

I love Adam Sandler :)

Lindsay said...

The Terrance Howard bit is a riot! Okay, I really want to go check out that site now...

I love big band, too :) It can always put me in a good mood.

David Kestner said...

Hey chica, what's with the lobs? Pretty sure my brother is not a black man... I can almost see the Rick Schroeder thing though. Does Rick have a chin? I can't wait for The Flick Picker!

Jessica said...

It seems that most men have that exact same disease! Too funny! I love it!

Kath' said...

Thanks for sharing a Dean Martin song. Sure do miss his singing. I love listening to him at Christmas time with my family. Its a tradition. Kath'

Sherri said...

Bethany, you are killing me! My heart actually STOPPED when you started talking about Andrew's "illness"....then re-started due to the laughing when I finished that part of the post!

I have to go check that website out, but I am afraid it will tell me I look like Lucille Ball.

Booyah's Momma said...

Your husband's affliction sounds serious. The funny thing is, his medicine makes me sick... literally. I've gone salmon fishing a few times, and all that trolling around just made me seasick. Do you fish, too?

Bethany said...

I consider fishing one of the most torturously boring things imaginable. So no, I don't fish. But Andrew does it from the bank, so no seasickness. He has fished for salmon in the ocean before, but he brings in something like 25 fish from this river he goes to every fall, so that's good enough.

Natalie said...

Laughing my butt off about the Terrence Howard comparison!!!!!!!

I know you despise Andrew's love of fishing, but I am thankful for it because it brings you guys out to our neck of the woods every year and we get to bask in your presence! :)

Liz said...

I LOLed at your husband disease!! HA!

I think it's awesome you chose Sandler, and i can totally see it, too!

So, your parents called you Bessie Cow, and strangers like you're Russian or Romanian. Quite a look you've got going, Bethany!

KLZ said...

I wonder who it would say Scarlett Johanson looked like if you loaded her picture. Maybe you!

Di said...

I take it your husband doesn't have any self esteem issues after the Terrance Howard comment, huh? :)

Eos Mom said...

I too am the second of four and screwed up because of it. Nice to meet you! LOL

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