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Mulligan Day

Today let’s IGNITE OUR SMILES by allowing a mulligan to be our Plan B. Let’s put ourselves out there a bit more today. Let’s stretch towards our goals, towards our best selves, and through our vulnerability knowing that we can ask for a mulligan if things go sideways.

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I’m Not Too Busy to Pause for YOU

Today when I awoke the news on my phone was just horrific.  A mass shooting at a music festival in Las Vegas killed 50 and injured 500. How does this happen? Incidents like this make me pause and wonder “Am I offering all I can to make life better for those I interact with at any given moment?” After the murder of our friend earlier this year I felt the need to pause, to slow down and be present for those around me. Today after the violence of yesterday I am again reminded to pause. Today I pause to be here for YOU. Tomorrow, no need to bring me a reminder to pause.  Yesterday brought me 559.

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DAY 1: New Habit Challenge: Identify a Habit that Supports Your Greatest Goal

Research shows that 40% of the actions we take are governed by habit not actual decision. Developing a new habit is about putting a small piece of your life on auto-pilot.  Consistently building new habits allows you to or add to your track record of success and demonstrates that you can do anything you set your mind and intentions to.  Each day in the month of October I will blog about creating a new habit and share my application of these tips as I create one better habit that supports my blogging goals. I invite you to join me on this journey by selecting a habit that would best support one of your big goals.