Saturday, July 5, 2014

Gratitude on July 4th

      Happy birthday, America!  Yes, I may be a crummy photographer (especially with pictures taken by my cell phone like these), but good grief, aren't fireworks wondrous?  We enjoyed such a beautiful light show last night!  I felt like a kid again--oohing and aahing in amazement at the spectacular explosions of color, golden sparkles, and ear-deafening booms.
     We stared up at the night sky with happy anticipation for the show unfolding before us.  At the start of the fireworks, the sky was not quite dark, so the base of the heavens still glowed a pale blue, dotted with clouds, while the top half was an inky grey--
       Makes me smile just sitting here the next day thinking about it all.
       And nothing profound here, not at all, except a sense of deep contentment and abiding gratitude.  Gratitude for this nation, of course.  Gratitude for the precious gift of freedom bought at such a dear price by the men and women who gave their lives that we might live ours in freedom.  Gratitude for our founding fathers and mothers who suffered so much...yet persevered for the sake of generations they would never see or know.
     But also gratitude for the gift of celebrating July 4th with those I love.  As we sat eating chicken, deviled eggs, and banana pudding, God gave us one of those "joy bursts"--a moment frozen in time for just a millisecond...when time slows and God gives you the gift of savoring the beauty of the place where you are and the wonder of the people whom you love...right at that moment.  That irreplaceable moment.  
     That joy burst flooded me with gratitude for the stunning night sky and the clear, cool air.  But also for the joyous gift of friends and family with whom to eat and laugh and share on this July 4th.  
     July 4th--the midpoint of summer, it seems.  And we realize, as with all of life, these days and hours are passing all too quickly.  Before we know it, September and sweaters and school schedules will arrive once again.  All too soon these glorious days of hot summer sun, of brothers playing golf, of movies together after dinner at Armadillo Grill (which means lots of chips, salsa, and tacos), of ice cream and strawberry shortcake, of packing and unpacking for camps and mountain trips, of walks with daughters, of sweaty laundry but sweet will all be gone and past.  
     So today, Lord, how I pray that You would "teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." (Ps.90:12)  Teach us, Father, to worry less and worship You more.  To complain less and consider Your gifts in our lives more.  To hurry less and seek to help and to heal those You place in our paths.  Teach us what it is to constantly fix our gaze upon You and to run our races with joy.  Teach us to live each day overflowing with routine and regular praise and to be filled with childlike wonder for You, Your gifts, and Your grace.
     As we cross the midpoint in summer, Father, give us a fresh vision of You and Your plan for our lives. Remove the rust of indifference. ingratitude, and inattention to all You are and to all You are doing in our lives.  Teach us appreciation.  Teach us thanksgiving.  Teach us wonder.  Teach us joyful obedience.  And teach us love.  
     To God be the glory.

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