Monday, June 28, 2010

A new veiw on prayer

Week #3 challenge: Pray for my husband daily.

Okay, I did not think this would be to hard when I first read the list. I pray for him every day, to be safe, to call me, to get up on time, I even pray with our little man for daddy thanking God for daddy who works hard.
But this morning when I got up at 5:30 and nudged my husband out of bed, (he said he had to get up at 5:30 when I did) he said in a whispering voice that I was being grouchy and to let him sleep. At that moment I did not think to pray for him instead I got grouchy, (though I was not grouchy before) no mean words or bad thoughts just a sour attitude about me. Then I looked at this weeks challenge from WomenLivingWell, I thought I don't need to worry about this one I already do it, as I read the challenge a little more I seen the list of 30 things I can pray about for my husband I wrote them down to try and do a few in depth each day. Then it came to the idea of asking him what would be a prayer request of his, that's an idea that has never hit me before I decided not to do it, he would probably not say anything that I was not already praying for anyways (me and my self-righteousness).
When he did get up he told me that the reason he did not get up was that he decided to get a little extra sleep since he was going to work very late tonight, It is now 11:11pm and he has not yet made it home from the job but he has called.
As he walked out the door this morning for some strange reason (when I was over my grouchy attitude) I asked him- when I pray today is there anything you would like me to pray for? Without thinking twice he had an answer, and it was something I would have never thought of. I have spent the day praying on this one request more than any other, I felt in some ways like I went to work with him while I was praying for his one request.
I feel like I have just scratched the surface of what a prayer relationship with my husband, for my husband can be.
Thanks to Courtney I am trying new things.

I do want to share one extra thing on prayer, our son is now 17months old we have been praying with him since he was new born. For the past week when we say okay lets pray and try to hold his hand he pulls his hands away says" I do it" puts his hands together gently bows his head and listens quietly. Then shouts AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet about your son :)
    I felt weird when I asked my hubby how I could pray for him and so far I have gotten very vague answers. I figure if I continue to be persistent and faithful he will know he can ask me to pray for something more specific if it comes up.

    I was wondering if you would be interested in joining a group I am hoping to start that I read about on Courtney's Women Living Well blog. In it she links to the Good Morning Girls blog she is a part of. Different groups from all over have joined on this blog to say they are being accountable to and for each other in the area of Bible reading/devotions. If you are interested in joining please email me at Here is a link to the post with the info:

