Apr 17, 2024

Note to self: Welcome happiness

 "As earthly human beings, we have to take account of an earthly future. For the sake of this future we must accept tasks, responsibilities, and joys and sorrows. We do not despise happiness simply becasuse there is so much unhappiness. We should not arrogantly push away the kind hand of God because God's hand is otherwise so hard. I think it is more important to remind one another of this in these days than of many other things.." 

                                                                                                                    Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Feb 14, 2024

Birds and Lent

I have so enjoyed standing at my kitchen sink or in front of our living room window, watching the little chickadees and the mourning doves at the birdfeeder this winter, especially when we experienced an extreme cold snap for about two weeks! 

I've always loved birds, but certainly haven't taken the time earlier in my life to mindfully watch for them.  I've been doing that more often these last few years, having learned the value of slowing down. I especially love to encourage the grandchildren to stop and look as well! They have some excellent bird books and have often walked around their expansive yard identifying bird calls. 

I've been considering what to do for Lent this year, to prepare my heart for Easter.  I plan to read the synoptic Gospels for fifteen minutes daily, but other than that, I have felt no impulse to fast from anything specific. What to do...

The Nature Journaler nature newsletter popped up in my email this morning and the invitation there gave me pause...  I had never heard of this practice before, but it intrigued me. It was a simple, meditative, fresh way to experience the presence of God daily and be reminded of the gifts that He has so generously given us, as the days slowly inch closer to the Spring Equinox with Easter arriving on March 31st. 

I'm participating in the Lenten practice of birdwatching, asking for 'a bird from the Lord' for 40 days, hoping to document it, either in a journal or perhaps here. 

Through the email newsletter, I clicked on the interview on YouTube that explains where this idea came from and how to do it (very simple!). 

I've printed out a PDF checklist (I like checklists!) from the Nature Journaler newsletter. Subscribe here. This is a lovely newsletter inspiring the reader to notice seasonal changes throughout the year and to keep a nature journal, if desired. I haven't been keeping a regular nature journal..yet... (I have so many journals already!) but the idea is lovely!

If you'd like to read more about the lenten practice, check out this article written by Courtney B. Ellis of The Thing With Feathers podcast. If you love birds (or even if you don't), you may want to take a listen. 

And today I was not disappointed. My husband and I went for a walk along the river and-- serendipity! Around the bend we came upon a bevy of swans! We stood and watched from a distance, hesitating to get too close lest they take flight. (My camera does not do them justice.) Thankful for #abirdfromtheLord

Jan 6, 2024

Words for the Year

 It's the time of year for reflection, at least it is for me. And reflection leads to looking ahead. What are my desires and longings? My hopes and dreams for the new year? 

Reflecting over the past twelve months, and considering my 2023 (and 2022) Word for the Year, LISTEN,  I realize that I will NEVER be done with learning to become a better listener! I don't really think there's an end date to any chosen Word. It just gets added to the ones before it, like a growing deck of cards. This accumulated stack of important words are reminders of what my desires and longings have been over the years, how I have grown (or not)  and help me look ahead. And so, of course, I'll continue on the path, shuffling through the deck and choosing to revisit a specific word when needed. This includes continuing to practice listening well. 

But... I have decided to add three new words to the deck this year. I can make my own rules, right?  To me they are like a cord of 3 strands... HEALING, REST, and BEAUTY. 

I want healing for my family, my friends, my community, my country, my world. 

I want to rest in knowing that it's not up to me to bring this healing about. Yes, I have a part, but I don't have to figure it all out. 

I want to 'intentionally place myself in the path of oncoming beauty' (from the Being Known Podcast, Season 8).

I think of all that disquiets my soul - the worries, insecurities, unknowns, disappointments, frustrations and then I remember... to quiet my soul and rest. It's an action I must take. 

I consider all that is beautiful and true in the world. Beauty heals. Beauty feeds the soul. I set my sights on that, too. It's an action I must take. 

Psalm 131 is my 2024 Psalm of the Year. I have had this Psalm written out on a notecard for months now. It is a beautiful picture of resting in the arms of God. 

And what better place to be in 2024! 

 "My heart is not proud, O Lord; my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me, But, I have quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, both now and forevermore."

photo credit: my friend Val, 12/22

Have you considered a word or focus for the new year?