Genre Favorites Blogfest

Alex J. Cavanaugh is hosting his SEVENTH blog fest today and it’s all about–you guessed it–genre favs!

Participating bloggers are asked to share their favorite genres for movies, books, and music.

Gotta say, my tastes are pretty simple.

My favorite movies are action blockbusters (usually with a sci fi, fantasy, paranormal, or magical twist)

THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trilogy and the HARRY POTTER series are my ALL TIME favs!

My favorite book genres include paranormal and scifi–either YA or adult. I also enjoy urban fantasy.

My favorite music includes alternative rock (a la Bush, Five Finger Death Punch, Alice in Chains, Breaking Benjamin, Pearl Jam, etc), classical, and I LOVE movie soundtracks (LoTR, Harry Potter, Batman (a la Dark Knight), etc).

How about you? What are your fav genres?


Need a character “shrink-wrapped?” Ask me! I’ll feature your question on Mental Health Monday! 🙂

18 comments on “Genre Favorites Blogfest

  1. salarsen says:

    Great choices! Love the music.

  2. Excellent choices! Can’t go wrong with Alice in Chains. (And they’ve been mentioned several times this morning already.)
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  3. baygirl32 says:

    Pearl Jam are my favorite

  4. Karen Lange says:

    Great blogfest! Nice to hear your favorites. Happy Monday!

  5. scores rule… scores rule! and old school alice in chains… my what a wonderful list you have…

  6. Cindy Borgne says:

    I thought are faves would be simliar from the name of your blog.

  7. Linda Gray says:

    No question, suspense, mystery, and literary–books and movies! Also, though, I love good comedy, which is incredibly hard to write or act.

  8. Leigh Moore says:

    what a fun fest! I love all kinds of movies, really–action, romcom, drama, indies… for music, I’m also just everywhere. Rock, rap, dance, classics–I like movie soundtracks, too! b/c they help me remember my favorite parts. As for books, well, I’m pretty straight forward–romance/any subgenre~ 😀 ❤

  9. Allison says:

    Great choices! LotR and HP are two of my favourites as well.

  10. Tamara says:

    Great choices. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and I love movie soundtracks. 🙂 And any kind of movie with a paranormal twist is good in my book.

  11. Lynn Rush says:

    Paranormal YA, NA, or Adult…If I’m reading one of those, I’m happy!! 🙂

  12. I like your choices. 😀

  13. Arlee Bird says:

    I like many of the things you mentioned.

    Genre Favorites Blogfest
    Wrote By Rote

  14. Donna Hole says:

    Excellent! Can’t go wrong with fantasy; and you listed many of my music favorites 🙂


  15. Misha says:

    We share similar movie and music tastes. 😀 I like the bands you picked.

  16. Hi, Laura. I always keep an open mind for new music. I am familiar with many of those you mentioned, and will have to give the others a try. Thanks for sharing. I don’t really read a lot of Fantasy, but the first Lord of the Rings film really sucked us all in, didn’t it? Jackson really outdid himself with the series. It’s so great that he finally ended up working on The Hobbitt. *waves*


  17. All great choices! I always liked The Hobbit a bit more than LOTR, but they’re all related. ;-p

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures

  18. I agree with all your picks though they didn’t exactly match mine, they’re very close.

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