Monday 1 February 2016


Parents stress a lot over their children’s Birthdays.  When they are younger it is often the party that causes the most stress but even then there is still that most important thing of all to get right.  THE PRESENT.

To see the look on your child’s face when they open their present is priceless (assuming of course that you have got it right!)  To have them look at you with wide eyes and open mouth as they see their gift is worth all the hours and foot slogging you spent looking for it in the first place.  The same of course goes for Christmas.

As your child grows you know that despite everything you cannot always give them what they want in life.  You cannot stop them from hurting. You can tend to cut knees and bruises but you cannot protect them from all of life’s hard knocks even though you would take every bit of hurt and pain yourself if you knew it would spare them.

Today is my eldest Daughter’s Birthday.  Deciding upon a present was not difficult this year, I know that she loves to paint her nails using the latest gel nail polishes, she had also expressed a wish for some of the other things associated with such manicures so after some careful perusing and help from her Sister, I soon had a bagful of Birthday goodies.   Her telephone call to me today told me that I had made a good choice and she had had some lovely presents off people and was having a lovely day.

Yet, despite all of this, I still felt a certain sadness that she wasn’t going to get the one thing that I know she would have really liked. The present that would have made this Birthday the best ever:-

 Hearing her youngest Daughter say  “Happy Birthday”.

It’s at times like this when I wish life was more like the movies.  I want to be like Mary Poppins.  I want to be Maria from the Sound Of Music.  I want to be able to burst into song, climb up a mountain and no one will feel sad anymore. Oh to be Professor Minerva McGonagall of Hogwarts, with a wave of my wand and a magical spell everything would be put right; all the demons would go away. 

Sadly I am not like any of the above and the real world is nothing like Disney World.  On the other hand there are stars out tonight and in true Disney fashion I can make a wish.

I wish my dearest Daughter that one-day you will hear at least some of the words that you have waited so long for.  I know that would mean so much to all of us, but I also know just how much that would really mean to you. 

In the meantime while we wait we know that although it may not always seem like it we are blessed as a family and we have so many things to be thankful for.